Help My Photos

What are the photo rules and regulations?

  1. The maximum file size your photo can be is 2MB (2000Kb).
  2. Please make sure that your picture is in one of the following digital formats:
  4. Make sure that your photo is taken showing your face from the front. Try to find a picture where your face is situated in the middle of the picture.
  5. Try to choose a photo in which your face can be clearly seen, and the lighting is good.
  6. Photos containing your email address, website URLs, or any other form of personal contact will not be accepted.
  7. Avoid small photos. Your photo must be at least 150 pixels wide x 150 pixels high.
  8. For best results use a photo that is at least 400 pixels wide x 400 pixels high.
  9. Try to select a photo that was taken recently and one that represents you.
  10. We know that you love your body, but sorry, nude pictures are not allowed.
  11. Obscene, sexual or otherwise offensive photos will not be posted.
  12. We currently do not accept cartoons, artwork, childhood photos, or photos where your face is not visible.


Why is my photo cropped?

As a rule we do not crop our member's photos unless the particular photo exceeds the large photo requirement.

You can access your original photo by clicking the "My Account" tab on top of the home page, then click on the "View Photo" tab, there you will find each of your large photos as they were submitted.


Please note that every photo entered into the system is re-sized from the original version.


We create a medium size photo as well as a thumbnail version from the original photo. These are used in the search results and the profile view.