Photo Guidlines

Photo guidlines



  • The maximum file size of your photo can be 2MB.



  • Please make sure that your picture is in one of the following digital formats:  GIF, JPEG or PNG.



  • Make sure that your photo is taken showing your face from the front. Try to find a picture where your face is situated in the middle of the picture.



  • Try to choose a photo in which your face can be clearly seen, and the lighting is good.



  • Photos containing your email address, website URLs, or any other form of personal contact will not be accepted.



  • Avoid small photos. Your photo must be at least 150 pixels wide x 150 pixels high.

    For best results use a photo that is at least 400 pixels wide x 400 pixels high.



  • Try to select a photo that was taken recently and one that represents you.



  • We know that you love your body, but sorry, nude pictures are not allowed.



  • Obscene, sexual or otherwise offensive photos will not be posted.



  • We currently do not accept cartoons, artwork, childhood photos, or photos where your face is not visible.



  • Last but not least, remember that a smile usually attracts more attention!



                          Problems uploading your photo?


Attach your photo to an email message and email it to us.


Please make sure that your picture is in one of the following digital formats:GIF, JPEG or PNG . The maximum filesize is 2 MB. We will be unable to upload anything larger to your profile. The email address you use to send the picture must match the email address you entered when you signed up.


We will process your photo as soon as we receive it and you will be sent a confirmation email as soon as your photo have been uploaded.

AOL users: Please send photos as an attachments only. We cannot accept an embedded pictures.